Heaven and earth are completely destroyed - Everyone is resurrected to join those who already live in imperishable bodies. Everyone stands before God at the Great White Throne judgment . Those who were wicked join Satan and the AntiChrist eternally in the Lake of Fire. But those who were righteous form the New Jerusalem, the Bride of Christ. After a great feast, they enjoy a brand new heaven and earth where they can eat, drink, travel, work, play, worship God and fellowship deeply with each other. The last lesson in the series... All handouts are available free at www.EversBibleClass.com
Saturday, August 08, 2020
DanRev Lesson 36 - Revelation - The Millennial Kingdom
Satan is imprisoned for 1,000 years - Christ and the saints rule the world. The Jews are greatly blessed with riches and long life. But all is not well...Satan is released and hooks up with his former allies. Greed is the motivation for the final, cataclysmic battle against Israel. All handouts are available free at www.EversBibleClass.com
Posted by
Gayle Evers
5:35 AM
DanRev Lesson 35 - Revelation - The Battle of Armageddon
The kings of the world are duped by the AntiChrist - Using miracles, the AntiChrist convinces the kings of the earth to join with him in battle against the Jews, Jerusalem, Israel and their God. But even the AntiChrist is helpless when God destroys his capital city, Babylon. The AntiChrist vents his anger on Jerusalem...and it looks like he'll win until... JESUS CHRIST, MESSIAH, KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS comes with all the saints and hosts of heaven. THE BATTLE IS OVER AND CHRIST HAS WON IT All handouts are available free at www.EversBibleClass.com
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Gayle Evers
5:35 AM
DanRev Lesson 34 - Revelation - The Great Tribulation - Part B
The City of Babylon is capital of the world... The center of all commerce and trade - and the AntiChrist can't wait to get his hands on all that money! He and the ten kings take over the world economy. Babylon becomes their own capital. Saints are martyred. Babylon is drunk with their blood. But God is still in control. The time has come for the seven last plagues. All handouts are available free at www.EversBibleClass.com
Posted by
Gayle Evers
5:35 AM
DanRev Lesson 33 - Revelation - The Great Tribulation - Part A
The AntiChrist dominates the World... The AntiChrist is killed and is resurrected. He is finally able to conquer Jerusalem and his first order of business is to kill the two witnesses. The world is awestruck by his power - and the power of his prophet who is able to call down fire from heaven, and can even bring a statue of the AntiChrist to life! Everyone worships the AntiChrist and his living statue. Everyone gets his name or number 666 on their hands or foreheads. Everyone, that is, except the few faithful who now face torture and death at the hands of a cruel tyrant. All handouts are available free at www.EversBibleClass.com
Posted by
Gayle Evers
5:35 AM
DanRev Lesson 32 - Revelation - Early Tribulation
The countdown begins... The AntiChrist conquers Egypt and turns his sights on Israel, but he is thwarted by two street preachers. These are no ordinary preachers! They kill their enemies by spewing fire from their mouths, they cause drought and plagues, and they turn water to blood. Who are these guys? All handouts are available free at www.EversBibleClass.com
Posted by
Gayle Evers
5:34 AM
DanRev Lesson 31 - Revelation - Chapter 9B, 10, 11B, 12 & 13A
The Great Story of the Struggle between Good and Evil - A pregnant woman goes into labor while a dragon waits impatiently to devour her child. The dragon fails, the child and his mother are rescued. But the dragon takes revenge... All handouts are available free at www.EversBibleClass.com
Posted by
Gayle Evers
5:34 AM
DanRev Lesson 30 - Revelation - Chapter 6, 8 and 9A
The scroll in the hand of God is opened... And the four horsemen of the Apocalypse are released. 21 judgments in all - each more terrible than the one before. Never before and never again will such destruction occur on earth or in heaven. All handouts are available free at www.EversBibleClass.com
Posted by
Gayle Evers
5:34 AM
DanRev Lesson 29 - Revelation - Chapter 4 and 5
Almighty God holds His sealed will in His hand... Who can be found worthy to be His heir? Lightning and thunder rumble, the light of the Holy Spirit is reflected in a crystal sea, Four living creatures - the awesome cherubim - surround the throne of God. Each creature has six wings and is full of eyes. It is a great and terrible scene...and at the center is standing a Lamb that has been slain yet lives again. All handouts are available free at www.EversBibleClass.com
Posted by
Gayle Evers
5:34 AM
DanRev Lesson 28 - Revelation - Chapter 3 - Part F
Are the seven churches really seven ages? Are the seven letters applicable to all Christian churches of all ages? Or are there special promises and condemnations for particular times in history? Are we in the Age of Apostasy? And who are the 24 elders on the 24 thrones? Handouts are free available at www.EversBibleClass.com
Posted by
Gayle Evers
5:33 AM
DanRev Lesson 27 - Revelation - Chapter 3 - Part E
Who's getting married - and what does it have to do with the Rapture? Do Jews and Gentiles share an inheritance? Who is the Bride of Christ? Is it the Church or the New Jerusalem? When does the Groom come to fetch the Bride? When does the wedding ceremony occur? What about the wedding feast? Find out answers to all these questions in this final installment of our study of the Rapture in Revelation Chapter 3. Handouts are available free at www.EversBibleClass.com
Posted by
Gayle Evers
5:33 AM
DanRev Lesson 26 - Revelation - Chapter 3 - Part D
The body count is so high it takes 7 months to bury the dead!
The Day of the Lord is prophesied throughout Scripture
as a Day of Wrath, a Day of Vengeance and a Year of Recompense.
Find out how the Battle of Armageddon and the Second Coming of Christ
relate to the Day like no other Day...
A Day when the sun, moon and stars fall dark, the heavens are shaken,
and the sword of the Lord is satiated.
Handouts are available free at www.EversBibleClass.com
Posted by
Gayle Evers
5:33 AM
DanRev Lesson 25 - Revelation - Chapter 3 - Part C
Does Jesus do a "fly-by"? We begin a search of Scripture to find out whether the Church is Raptured before or after the Great Tribulation. We skip ahead to the end of Revelation - and we look at some Old Testament prophecy from the perspective of the Jews. Handouts are available free at www.EversBibleClass.com
Posted by
Gayle Evers
5:33 AM
DanRev Lesson 24 - Revelation - Chapter 3 - Part B
Where do people go when they die? We take a look at Death, Hades, Paradise, Heaven, the Lake of Fire and the Abyss. Find out which ones are temporary and which ones are permanent, which ones are for men and which ones are for angels. Handouts are available free at www.EversBibleClass.com
Posted by
Gayle Evers
5:33 AM
DanRev Lesson 23 - Revelation - Chapter 3 - Part A
Their church was inside a pagan temple, and their works were filthy rags in Christ's eyes. Are we any better? How can we be sure? Will the Day of the Lord be a day of terror or a day of rejoicing? Can our name be blotted out of the Book of Life? Handouts are available free at www.EversBibleClass.com
Posted by
Gayle Evers
5:32 AM
DanRev Lesson 22 - Revelation - Chapter 2 - Part C
Christ's letter to businessmen - The businessmen are defined by their works, and their works will determine the extent of their reward in heaven. But their works will be burned in fire! Why? Are these businessmen going to heaven or not? And what does Jezebel have to do with all this? All handouts are available free at www.EversBibleClass.com
Posted by
Gayle Evers
5:32 AM
DanRev Lesson 21 - Revelation - Chapter 2 - Part B
Why do bad things happen to good people? There's a lot of suffering in Revelation. How do we know when it is God punishing or disciplining us and when it is an attack by Satan? Why doesn't God just fix it now? Why do we have to put up with Satan? Find out this and much more as we conclude our study of Smyrna. All handouts available free at www.EversBibleClass.com
Posted by
Gayle Evers
5:32 AM
DanRev Lesson 20 - Revelation - Chapter 2 - Part A
Christ writes letters to the angels of the churches - The first church is the one where Timothy is pastor. This powerfully gifted church was founded in a groundswell of miracle healings and dramatic conversions, But something has gone terribly wrong... The second church is already undergoing persecution - So why is Christ allowing Satan to hurt them even more? Why do bad things happen to good people? All handouts are available free at www.EversBibleClass.com
Posted by
Gayle Evers
5:32 AM
DanRev Lesson 19 - Revelation - Chapter 1 - Part B
We see Jesus in His Imperishable Body as Witness and Ruler - Will our imperishable bodies look like this, too? Are we to be judged for our sins? Do the Gentiles share in the kingly heritage of the Jews? Will all the Jews be saved in the end? Get insights into these questions in this second installment of the study of Revelation. All handouts are available free at www.EversBibleClass.com
Posted by
Gayle Evers
5:31 AM
DanRev Lesson 18 - Revelation - Chapter 1 - Part A
What is sealed in Daniel is opened in Revelation - 500 years after Daniel is told to seal his visions for the end time, John is given the unsealing - the disclosure - the revelation. Taken together, these two books give a powerful picture of the end of the world. John is the scribe, but the author of Revelation is the Father, the Seven Spirits from before His throne and Jesus Christ. We know the Father. We know Jesus. But who are the Seven Spirits? All handouts are available free at www.EversBibleClass.com
Posted by
Gayle Evers
5:31 AM
DanRev Lesson 17 - Daniel Chapter 11 - Part C and Chapter 12
The final chapter in Daniel - Although the Antichrist rises to power quickly, his reign is short-lived. When he declares himself to be god, believers in the True and Living God fight back. The power of the Antichrist seems limitless, but just when the power of the saints is broken...God comes to their defense. Jesus Christ comes, the Antichrist is utterly defeated, the saints reign victorious! All handouts are available free at www.EversBibleClass.com
Posted by
Gayle Evers
5:31 AM
DanRev Lesson 16 - Daniel Chapter 11 - Part B
The Rise of the Antichrist - The last prophecy in Daniel reveals detailed information about the Antichrist. All the prophecies in Daniel fall neatly into alignment, giving us a history of the end of the world - written in advance! All handouts are available free at www.EversBibleClass.com
Posted by
Gayle Evers
5:31 AM
DanRev Lesson 15 - Daniel Chapter 11 - Part A
History Recorded in Advance in Heaven - The angel reveals specific events to Daniel that span the next 350 years. Victories, defeats, alliances, murders and betrayals... Each revelation was fulfilled in the exact manner and exact order prophesied. All handouts are available free at www.EversBibleClass.com
Posted by
Gayle Evers
5:30 AM
DanRev Lesson 14 - Daniel Chapter 10
The Reality behind National Power Struggles - An awesome and mighty angel is sent to give Daniel understanding of the final vision recorded in this book of Scripture...but he is waylaid by the evil spirit ruling Persia. The archangel Michael comes to the rescue, holding off the Persian spirit just long enough for the angel to come to Daniel with the message. We look at what these spiritual realities mean to a physical world. Does this kind of power struggle still happen today? What is really going on in the world? There are no handouts for this lesson.
Posted by
Gayle Evers
5:30 AM
DanRev Lesson 13 - Daniel Chapter 9 - Part C
Gabriel Gives a Timeline in the famous prophecy of the "70 Sevens" In this famous prophecy, the timespan from the decree to rebuild Jerusalem to the coming of the Messiah is revealed - and it is 100% accurate! We find new and deeper meaning to the prophecy's statement that the Messiah will be cut off. We discuss two possible timings for the destruction of Jerusalem and we find out the identity of "the many" who will make a covenant with the Antichrist. All class handouts are available free at www.EversBibleClass.com
Posted by
Gayle Evers
5:30 AM
DanRev Lesson 12 - Daniel Chapter 9 - Part B
God sends Gabriel to set Daniel straight Daniel gets the timing wrong on the events to follow the 70 years of captivity. Gabriel comes to clarify the prophecies and gives Daniel what has been referred to as "the backbone of Biblical prophecy". We also learn what is really meant by the term "righteousness" - and what we learned was not at all what we expected! All class handouts are available free at www.EversBibleClass.com
Posted by
Gayle Evers
5:30 AM
DanRev Lesson 11 - Daniel Chapter 9 - Part A
Daniel discovers a long-lost prophecy Daniel stumbles across a prophecy by Jeremiah that says the Babylonian captivity is only to last 70 years -- and time is nearly up!! What is the significance of the 70 years? Does Daniel's prayer for mercy hasten the end of captivity? All class handouts are available free at www.EversBibleClass.com
Posted by
Gayle Evers
5:29 AM
DanRev Lesson 10 - Daniel Chapter 8 - Part B
The more we look at Scripture, the more it looks like this king is the Antichrist - not Antiochus Epiphanes. We find out some startling information about the Antichrist and his influence on the hosts of heaven. All class handouts are available free at www.EversBibleClass.com
Posted by
Gayle Evers
5:29 AM
DanRev Lesson 09 - Daniel Chapter 8 - Part A
A third vision occurs! We make sense out of rams, unicorn goats, angels and evil kings. Is the king in this vision The AntiChrist? Or is he the Greek king Antiochus Epiphanes? Is this prophecy relevant today or is it just ancient history? There are no class handouts for this lesson. Use the Timeline from "Intro-Part B and Dan Ch 1" available at www.EversBibleClass.com
Posted by
Gayle Evers
5:29 AM
DanRev Lesson 08 - Daniel Chapter 7 - Part B
We use our system to interpret Daniel's vision We now know the first beast is the kingdom of Babylon. The second beast is the Medo-Persian Empire. The third beast is the Greek Empire. The fourth beast is an Imperialist Empire that begins with the rise and fall of the Roman Empire. We look at the part of the vision that has not yet been fulfilled and begin to understand some of the events that will occur in the End-Times. All class handouts are available free at www.EversBibleClass.com
Posted by
Gayle Evers
5:29 AM
DanRev Lesson 07 - Daniel Chapter 7 - Part A
Posted by
Gayle Evers
5:28 AM
DanRev Lesson 06 - Daniel Chapters 5 and 6
Babylon is beseiged but the king and his nobles party on! Suddenly, a ghostly hand writes a mysterious message on the wall. Daniel is called in to interpret and predicts the king's downfall. That very night, the king dies and Babylon falls to the Persians. The new king puts Daniel in a high-ranking job, causing the deep and bitter resentment of other high-ranking 'wannabees'. They hatch a plan to assassinate Daniel. All class handouts available free at www.EversBibleClass.com
Posted by
Gayle Evers
5:28 AM
DanRev Lesson 05 - Daniel Chapters 3 and 4
In Daniel's absence, the king orders everyone to worship an idol as big as two 18-wheelers Daniel's friends refuse and are sentenced to immediate death! They are thrown into a white-hot furnace, but live through it by the hand of God. The king is astonished and his respect for their God grows. The king has another dream and the interpretation is not good news! The sentence passed on the king by God is so severe that even this pagan king is humbled. All class handouts are available free at www.EversBibleClass.com
Posted by
Gayle Evers
5:28 AM
DanRev Lesson 04 - Daniel Chapter 2 - Part B
The Dream of the Awesome Statue The Head is Gold, The Chest and Arms are Silver, The Belly and Thighs are Bronze, The Legs are Iron, The Feet and Toes are Iron mixed with Clay, ...and it is all crushed and blown away by a stone not cut by human hands! What does it mean? All class handouts are available free at www.EversBibleClass.com
Posted by
Gayle Evers
5:28 AM
DanRev Lesson 03 - Daniel Chapter 2 - Part A
Daniel gets a death warrant King Nebuchadnezzar orders the execution of all his spiritual advisors because no one can interpret his dream. Daniel and his friends spend the night in prayer and God gives Daniel both the dream and the interpretation! The dream spans all world history from the time of Nebuchadnezzar through to the second coming of Christ. All class handouts are available free at www.EversBibleClass.com
Posted by
Gayle Evers
5:27 AM
DanRev Lesson 02 - Intro-Part B and Dan Ch 1
Second lesson in series on End-Time Prophecy We finish the overview of Prophecy in Scripture...
- How symbols are used in Scripture...
- How time and numbers are used...
- The rise and fall of world powers...
Posted by
Gayle Evers
5:27 AM
DanRev Lesson 01 - Intro to Prophecy-Part A
Posted by
Gayle Evers
5:27 AM